Author: Terrance F. Johnson
ISBN 978-1-62137-328-5 (softcover)ISBN 978-1-62137-338-4 (eBook)
252 pages
"Our Missing Ancestors" attempts to highlight some of the modern evidence and theories which point to a civilization far older than current dogma indicates. The book, using a family ancestor search theme, examines a number of hypotheses, anthropological findings, and observations from modern day researchers and authors to locate and identify man’s pre-historic ancestors who once existed in deep antiquity.
The book explores many points of view, including, religion, science, extraterrestrial theories, and ancient myth to seek answers for the numerous visible mysteries which motivates the interest of scientist and historians yet today.
Through a combination of evidence, facts, and observations, "Our Missing Ancestors" is able to identify a global origin and a possible civilization which many refer to as the “High-Civilization.”
For the last eight years, Terrance F. Johnson, who is semi-retired, operates a part-time photography and graphics business. He lives with his wife, Judi, and their dog, Penny, in Illinois. His interests include reading and studying about World War II and European history coupled with photography and video creations. He is currently working on a photographic picture book, in coordination with his son, Derek, who operates a photographic business in Chicago, Illinois. He holds a B.A. Degree with a major in Psychology, and two minors in European History and Natural Science.
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