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Shadow Men: An Encyclopedia of Mind Control

Author: Dr. Anthony Napoleon, Ph.D.

ISBN: 978-1-62137-729-0 (Hardcover)
ISBN: 978-1-62137-728-3 (Softcover)
ISBN: 978-1-62137-730-6 (eBook)





338 Pages

Psychological operations (PSYOPs) are the preferred method by which shadow men socially engineer the masses' consent on a myriad of important issues. The author provides numerous examples of how social engineers have modified the public's perceptions and attitudes about America's founders, slavery, financial markets, dating and mating customs, self-perception, and a laundry list of other matters people have no idea were socially engineered. The reader will become expert on the character of the men who work in the shadows whose sole reason for living is to control others in service to accumulating wealth and power, of which, they never, ever, have enough. The reader is provided a step-by-step program that promises to strip away shadow men's brainwashing of them and return the reader to his natural state of freedom and happiness.


Dr. Anthony is a clinical psychologist with board certifications in medical and forensic psychology. He is an expert on mind control strategies as well as psychological operations that take the form of weaponized psychology. He is the president of Napoleon Legal Consulting, Inc., located in La Jolla, California. His past clients have included private, public, and governmental sectors and agencies.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Crucial and Relevant

A truly unique book I am thankful to have found. Well documented, factual information is presented about world history, American history, war, religion, human nature on up to current politics; most of which I was completely unaware. This book is written at a time when freedom in America is challenged. We have a population that is forgeting what our forefathers knew and gifted for the future of America. Not only are the issues well defined; included are measures each individual can undertake to preserve their personal free will. I ordered the hardcover which is made of exceptional quality.

Mark Johnson
Timely Book

"Shadow Men" is a one-of-a-kind treasure for anyone who wishes to understand what has happened to America - particularly over the last 50 years - and for those who cherish freedom of thought and expression. The book is well written and packed with factual information. The history of mind control through the ages leading up to the founding of the United States is explained. Also, the techniques and science of mind control are covered in some detail, as well as examples of the technical and highly sophisticated strategies used to implement it on an unsuspecting public. How and why this has been accomplished and concealed is explained in a clear, concise and accessible manner. The book also describes the kinds of people who are the primary actors, their agents and their proxies; and how these methods have been used to subvert our freedoms and the American Idea as conceived by the founders. The information is challenging, insightful and revealing. This is an important book.

Chuck Gualdoni
Informative And Effective Book For Our Time

I have read several books documenting the powerful forces that exist behind the scenes and control much, if not most, of the world’s wealth, media and political power. SHADOW MEN goes beyond these other works in its details regarding the psychological profile of these people who have existed throughout human history. It explains why such people can never obtain enough wealth and power, sometimes even passing this desire to successive generations with a religious fervor. I’ve read Napoleon’s books on Marxism and Progressivism, as well as three of his white papers. It is obvious he is a psychologist of significant skill and experience, and in using his skills, in my opinion, he has two basic goals in writing this book: One, to expose the personalities and tactics of shadow men to show that they not only exist, but also have significant power and control over the masses (us). And two, to transform the reader into an independent, critical thinker who can see through these tactics of shadow men, and to be encouraged to counter their efforts where practicable.

Chuck Gualdoni
Reading in Progress

I've only started reading this book, and quickly flipped though its contents. I'm excited about this journey, as this appears to be a comprehensive book that not only documents the aims and tactics of the people that really control this world, but I think it also shows their true motivations: What inspires their insatiable drive to so patiently accumulate power and money, even to the point of passing their torch from generation to generation. I hope to write another review after I finish this book. It arrived at my doorstep 3 days ago.

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