Seeing Clearly: The Impact of Atmospheric Turbulence on the Propagation of Extraterrestrial Radiation

by S. Businger and T. Cherubini

ISBN 978-1-60264-698-8 (softcover)

212 pages

There has been considerable progress in recent years to observe and quantify the effects of atmospheric turbulence and refractivity gradients on telescope image stability at various wavelengths-collectively referred to as seeing. At the same time there has been progress in modeling these atmospheric effects to support advances in methods that mitigate resulting telescope image degradation. Given the multidisciplinary nature of these efforts, there is substantial opportunity for further advances. This textbook on seeing assembles contributions from experts in the various facets of the complex challenge posed by atmospheric turbulence on optical and longer wavelengths. It is our hope that this introductory text will inspire students to explore this exciting area.

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