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Author: Gary Hope

ISBN 978-1-947532-28-1 (softcover)

248 pages


This epic cross-country adventure of two men who have been friends for decades will make you laugh out loud. Yet the poignancy of their friendship Will touch your heart. As they travel together across the United States, each, in their own way, seeks to find meaning in their older years. Both discover that this adventure called "life" is still a delight worth pursuing. They will take you from sad to ridiculous in one paragraph. This fictional "Blue Highways" Will entice you to visit many of the sites of competition for the title of World's Greatest Rock Thrower. But in the end, we find that the greatest is, indeed, the one who lays it down for his friend. 



"Friends" is the sixth and final novel by the author. The previous five books included stories of loves won, loves lost, redemption, adventure, and mystery. "Friends" is different . . . I hope you enjoy it.

Type: books

Vendor: Gary Hope

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Mark McCaffrey
I'm ready to go...

Haven't we all dreamed of just packing up and hitting the road? What an adventure as you get to go along with a couple of old buddies as they do just that. What fun and "different" places you get to visit. Found myself looking forward to where these two good ol boy rock throwers were headed next. Hopefully we all have someone in our lives that we can have the type of friendship that these "Friends" have.

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